
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preview: Gonzo Necklace

These are just preview pictures, more to come soon
I finally finished these bad boys. They are Hunter S. Thompson's symbol, Gonzo.
I love the way they turned out. This same piece can be made into lapel pins and soon to come earrings.
The pendant is double sided, and the blade, is really a of my favorite details about this piece!

Please also check my older post about Belt Buckles and my connection to HST

Monday, March 29, 2010

So, you Sew?

People ask me all the time where I learned to sew, so here is the story.
My mother taught me sew at a young age. I mostly messed around and one time made a puff a lump toy with her help...I actually am not sure that I finished it. End of story at age 10 or 12
Then in college I found a vintage table cloth and decided to sew it to a duvet....after I stitched it on completely on an accidental diagonal, and realized that the only way I had to get it off was with a butcher knife, I gave up again.
The next time I got into it was when I had my first son 5 years ago. I have a degree in Metalsmithing, but as you may guess babies and fire are not a good combo. I thought I was going to lose my mind sitting at home with a baby who slept during the day. My mother in law, came for many visits that year, but when she came in the early months I decided that she should teach me to sew.
She is a prize winning quilter and has endless patience. She taught her boys to cross stitch at a very young age, and helped my husband make me a jacket and himself one as well. I asked her if she would teach me to follow a pattern for a bag...five years later I sew all the time, make my own patterns and enjoy it immensely.
SEW, thanks mother in law, for teaching me something that I love to do and now I feel is a part of who I am. You have been an inspiration to me, but I will leave the quilting in your amazing hands.

Baby Bird

This was a custom commission diaper bag from a friend. I like that she went with the blue and brown....these colors are so beautiful together.

Same Fabric Different Look

I made this bag for a dear friend. She carries one of my purses from last year and shows it off to everyone. It was time for a new model and I came up with cherry blossoms. I took ribbon in different sizes and shades of brown and twisted them together to create the branch. I used silk for the flowers and stitched glass beads inside for the centers. The handle and flowers are fabulous pink silk that I got from Yellow Bird Fabrics.

This was a prize in a drawing. I entice people with the chance to be entered in a custom design of a bag for a good cause. She wanted something green and purple, and this is what she got.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Watch Strap

These were a commission from a friend who brought me the faces and told me she wanted glitter vinyl bands.
Did she say glitter Vinyl? She came to the right place!

These are just 2 of the 5 I made, I plan on making 3 more shortly

2 Diaper bags and a Tote

I like to make 2 changing pads to go with these diaper bags
wash one
carry one

My son's teachers asked me to make her a tote to carry her work back and forth in.
It has 2 exterior pockets so keep things organized!

Children's Art Smocks

$ 32.00

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Children's Costumes

Just for fun

From newest to oldest:

This is a pettiskirt that I decided to make for our little 2 year-old family friend. This is so much fun for me, making things for little girls.

I received some help from Amy at Yellow Bird Fabrics.

She has such amazing apparel fabrics. Thanks for the support, Amy!

The base of the skirt is Vera Wang netting because I wanted something that was soft, so that it would not itch those little legs. I used gathered tulle and ribbons to make the ruffles, which added texture and fun colors.

I bought a pink t shirt and tie-dyed it with navy. Sequins and a giant flower topped off the headband.

Fireman Sam

This is a 4 year-old family friend. He is really into Fireman Sam, a British show that he watches daily. This child was very specific about this
English fireman coat, which HAD to have the following:

yellow pants

silver buttons

a belt with a silver buckle

I can't say this was a breeze to make and here is why....Fireman Sam is not an American. Therefore, the front double blazer jacket pattern doesn't exist. It was so worth it when he opened the gift and freaked out. He was seen petting his chest during the party

...and his mother has had to peel it off of him every night!

Sleeping Beauty

I love Halloween, for many reasons, but in this case because I made something girlie. I did NOT make the cowboy outfit(which was a relief).

We took this little 5 year-old to the fabric store and she picked the color, and I forced the glitter tulle on her ( well it was not hard). She insisted that Sleeping Beauty has a white collar (thank you Disney circa 1960s).

She was pleased with the results, however, after wearing it at school declared it was too fat.....yes, I admit I might have gone overboard with the tulle, so I cut some layers out before I took theses pictures.


This was a Tinkerbell Birthday (the cake I made is in an older post). As a surprise, I made her this costume.

A Knight and a Skunk

I made these in 2007. My sister called to ask me why I dressed my son up as Neil Diamond. Okay, so I love glitter and sparkle, but when you force a 3 year-old boy to wear them it might not look the way you intended.

And who would not love a baby skunk? Well the baby wearing the costume did get a little hot....sorry

First Costume

Max "Where the Wild Things Are"

My son loved the book and so we picked this idea. Looking back on it, I see everything I would do differently. However, there was not a pattern for it, so I think I did OK.

Getting a 2 year-old into a polar fleece suit was not easy and he kept taking it off, so I had to stitch 3 button closures on it so that he could not rip it off. At first he was really mad, but as you see from above, the candy made him forget his discomfort, and he came to understand the meaning of Halloween.